Tiny Twitch browser game’s code fits in a single tweet
<body onload=d=Date.now,t=d(s=0)><p style="float:left" onclick="(e=d(++s)-t)<15e3?style.margin=e%300+' 0 0 '+e*7%300:alert(s)">X</p></body>
— Alex Yoder (@alex_yoder) June 30, 2015
The above tweet contains a code for a browser game. Called the Tiny Twitch and developed by Alex Yoder, Yoder developed the game in response to a challenge from Ben Porter. Porter had 2 days earlier challenged through a tweet to make a game which could fit in a tweet.
I challenge you to make a game whose source fits in a single tweet
— Ben Porter (@eigenbom) June 27, 2015
Yoder took it upon himself and developed the Tiny Twitch game and responded to Porter through the above tweet.
Yoder named the 140-character game as Tiny Twitch and due to its small size the game is relatively simple. You have to simply click an X as it bounces around your browser as many times as you can. You can play the right now. However the challenge is to get higher score than 17 before time runs out.